
2018年3月6日—ThelinethathitsmethehardestinRogueOneiswhenGalenErsoisdyingontheplatform,andhesaystoJynIhavesomuchtotellyouandthenhedies.,2018年9月4日—(AlsodecidesnottokillKrennicinstead,eventhoughthatwouldbejustaseasy.)However,theREBELattackdirectlykillsGalen.,2023年1月24日—WhenshediedaspartoftheheroicsacrificefortheRebelAllianceonScarif,itwas0BBY,indicatingJynErso'sagewasaround21.Cassian ...,20...

The saddest line from Rogue One

2018年3月6日 — The line that hits me the hardest in Rogue One is when Galen Erso is dying on the platform, and he says to Jyn I have so much to tell you and then he dies.

How did Galen Erso originally obtain permission to leave ...

2018年9月4日 — (Also decides not to kill Krennic instead, even though that would be just as easy.) However, the REBEL attack directly kills Galen.

Star Wars

2023年1月24日 — When she died as part of the heroic sacrifice for the Rebel Alliance on Scarif, it was 0 BBY, indicating Jyn Erso's age was around 21. Cassian ...

Why did this character continue to want Galen Erso dead?

2016年12月18日 — Cassian Andor wants to kill Galen Erso to prevent him from continuing to work on the Death Star. However, Andor has just witnessed the ...

A question about Galen Erso in Rogue One. Spoilers inside.

2017年11月22日 — Galen dies because he saved the lives of evil engineers that are building a weapon that can destroy whole planets. Why did he save them? Would ...

Galen Erso - Disney Wiki

Galen is later killed by a torpedo blast by incoming Rebel fighters, though he manages to reunite with his daughter before he dies.

In Rogue One what was the point the assassination ...

2020年1月6日 — From a purely military standpoint, assassination made sense. Galen Erso was considered by the Alliance to be the mastermind behind what made the ...

Galen Walton Erso | Wookieepedia

A Rebel force including Erso that was captained by Cassian Andor traveled to Eadu, where Krennic, having learned of Erso's deception, confronted him and his team. Erso admitted to his deception but was then mortally wounded by bombs dropped by the All

Galen Erso

A brilliant scientist, Galen Erso was coerced into using kyber crystals to enhance energy yields – work his friend Orson Krennic then weaponized.

Jyn Erso

2021年4月6日 — Jyn Erso (along with every living thing on Scarif) was killed when the Death Star fired upon the planet. In her final moments, Jyn found peace ...